Joint statement by Conscientious Objector Organisations in Greece, Turkey and Cyprus on the genocide in Gaza: Ceasefire Now
We call for an immediate end to the genocide in Gaza: Ceasefire Now
We call for an immediate end to the genocide in Gaza: Ceasefire Now
In this issue of The Conscientious Objection Watch Bulletin, you’ll find information about the inquiries made to the Conscientious Objection Watch regarding conscientious objection and conscription between July and September 2022; updated data on the rights violations experienced by conscientious objectors; and the declarations of conscientious objection in the 3-month period covering July-September.
In this issue of The Conscientious Objection Watch Bulletin, you’ll find information about the inquiries made to the Conscientious Objection Watch regarding conscientious objection and conscription between April and June 2022; updated data on the rights violations experienced by conscientious objectors; and the declarations of conscientious objection in the 3-month period covering April-June.
“January-March 2022- Conscientious Objection Watch Bulletin” released. In this issue of the bulletin, you may find the applications to Conscientious Objection Watch during January-March 2022, the human rights violations of conscientious objectors and people subject to compulsory military service in Turkey.
Conscientious Objection Watch will monitor and report the current situation of conscientious objectors in Turkey, the human rights violations they are experiencing, and the judicial processes they are going throughd. The initiative will advocate for the recognition of the right to conscientious objection in Turkey and will report the national and international developments regarding the right to conscientious objection.
Türkei: Bulletin Kriegsdienstverweigerung VI
Oktober-Dezember 2021
October-December 2021
Conscientious Objection Bulletin – VI
Conscientious Objection Association, Freedom of Belief Initiative, Norwegian Helsinki Committee, War Resisters International, European Bureau for Conscientious Objection and Connection e.V. has made a joint submission under Rule 9.2 for the implementation of the judgments in the Ülke Group cases. The application, prepared with the support of the Etkiniz EU Programme, has been submitted to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
August-September 2021
Conscientious Objection Bulletin – V
Türkei: Bulletin Kriegsdienstverweigerung
August-September 2021